Loved this Nate, you're a talented writer!

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Thank you Jay!!

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Dear Nate Morrison,

Though we’ve never formally met, I’ve “known” you since your Mother’s and my EMU MATESOL days. She so proudly spoke of you and your sisters then (and still does) that I felt as if I’d met you all. Camping and travel adventures, school projects (yours, not hers- ha!), and scrapbooking. (I still bug her about scrapbooking!). Your middle and high school..and some other years since. She’s so proud of you, Nate (and your sisters, Ev, and now your child/her second grandchild). I can see why. This tribute to your Mom is beyond beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing…and for giving an inspiring book list. - Terri Hamoud (your Mom’s Crazy ESL Buddy from the Lansing area)

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Thanks Terri ❤️ that means so much to me. mom talks about you a bunch!

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Thanks for sharing such a personal and meaningful story with us. Love it.

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Thanks man! Hoping to practice my writing chops with this newsletter in addition to sharing work stuff.

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I think this is the perfect place for that! For what it's worth the writing was compelling easy to follow.

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I love this SO MUCH.

Can we /please/ talk about Addie LaRue bc I have feelings on this book and no one else I know has read it! 😂

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Great job on this!

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It's refreshing to see someone be vulnerable in their writing and to merge the personal with passion (books). Kind of blown away by your reading list! You've put me to shame. I've barley started a single book in years but I lust after their covers with a graphic designer's aesthetic guilt.

Newsletters are hard to crack. I'm in a similar loop with the one I just started. Trying to find a way in that is more than casual updates and look-at-me-isms. I think yours does a thoughtful job of providing value to readers beyond the obvious and is a good (smart) way of building authentic connections with your readers and who knows, maybe your prospective clients too. :-)

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Thanks so much Andy! That means a lot to me. And thanks for the reminder to subscribe to yours—I totally meant to ages ago 😊

I started reading a lot more a few years ago when I started keeping a list of what I’d read. I liked seeing that list get bigger! Haha. Now it’s just second nature—and it’s reinforced by being around people like my mom, wife, and friends who also love to read.

If it’s any consolation, I am behind/unaware of all the cool TV shows.

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