When the book bug bites, it bites hard! Funnily enough, I was also working at a library in Michigan when the bug bit. I have an art degree, had recently written my first book, and decided to redo its cover (the first was, admittedly, not the best, but it was made under a ton of emotional pressure and stress). So, I taught myself digital painting and made a new one. Fell in love both with digital painting and cover design and have since had a couple freelance jobs for both. And now, after my last book, I'm finding myself falling in love with designing the interior layout for books too.

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It’ll get ya! 🕷️

I love that, thank you for sharing 🙂

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Nathanial! We very briefly overlapped at Notch. I think we sent each other a slack message or two. It's so fun to read your story and see your work. You're very talented and I'm excited to get more dispatches from you in the future!

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We sure did! I wasn’t sure you’d remember— I did a double take when I saw your name pop up in my feed, haha. I appreciate the kind words.

I’m so glad the algorithm served yours up. I love your approach to your work and newsletter!

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Oh yeah! I'm happy we got connected again. It's a small world but it's also huge.

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