This is so cool! I’m curious, do you know how it works to use (or have opinions about using) copyrighted materials in a collage for book design or other publication?
It's fuzzy! If you're using copyrighted materials, it has to be transformed to a certain extent. To what extent? Good question—it's subjective and would have to be decided by a court. But even if you're within your legal right to use something the way you have, being sued by someone with much bigger resources might mean you're sorta SOL.
The collages here skirt the line a bit and probably aren't transformative enough. So maybe I shouldn't sell a zine—but I'm small potatoes and not too worried.
When it comes to making collages for professional book covers, I will almost always use licensed imagery or something in the public domain.
This tracks with what I’m more familiar with (repurposing language for found poetry, for instance)—such a whole interesting realm. Thank you for writing this out!
Love this!
Pleased to share that the first first zine I ever bought is the one mentioned in this article
I’m very grateful!
Love your leading page Nathaniel Roy! I almost feel like writing an article that will fit
A Peaceful Revolution: What Jane Austen taught be about smartphones….
Thanks for the excellent collage project ideas!
Thank you, Ruth! I'd definitely read that article.
This is so cool! I’m curious, do you know how it works to use (or have opinions about using) copyrighted materials in a collage for book design or other publication?
It's fuzzy! If you're using copyrighted materials, it has to be transformed to a certain extent. To what extent? Good question—it's subjective and would have to be decided by a court. But even if you're within your legal right to use something the way you have, being sued by someone with much bigger resources might mean you're sorta SOL.
The collages here skirt the line a bit and probably aren't transformative enough. So maybe I shouldn't sell a zine—but I'm small potatoes and not too worried.
When it comes to making collages for professional book covers, I will almost always use licensed imagery or something in the public domain.
This tracks with what I’m more familiar with (repurposing language for found poetry, for instance)—such a whole interesting realm. Thank you for writing this out!