I like the "buy me a coffee" button/banner. Good idea!

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Thanks Mitchell! Hope it keeps me caffeinated for weeks to come.

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Hey Nathaniel, thanks for sharing all the goodies. I am a graphic designer with an unhealthy obsession for vintage pubs—my collection mostly consists of graphic design-specific material like Avant Garde, Push Pin Graphic, and Gebrauchsgraphik, but as long as a publication is well-designed, I do not discriminate. I had never heard of Scope until reading about it here so thank you for calling it to my attention. I was excited to learn that design legend Lester Beall was the magazine's design director for seven years. Now I must head over to eBay to see if I can snag an issue or two.

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Happy to share! I had also never heard of Scope. It’s incredible.

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I’m just a few hours away from Kalamazoo—I may have to go check out some antique shops in the area and see if I can stumble across a copy or two.

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Good luck. Would love to see pics if you snag a copy.

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I love this idea. Good curation is definitely worth a paid subscription!

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Thanks for weighing in, Jen!

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